Positive Black Images
Wholesale Program
Valued Customer,
If you are interested in becoming a wholesale customer, please read our Wholesale Policy & Buying Guidelines (an EIN number is required to order our products at the wholesale price). To request a wholesale account please click on Sign Up/Create a New Account. When you fill out and submit the requested information, please click on Option 3 (For Businesses Only - Federal Tax ID EIN number is required).
Once you are approved as a wholesaler (can take 1-2 days), we will contact you. For all of the items in our retail brochure, you'll then be able to place orders at the 50% PBI wholesale discount rate. Your first wholesale order must equal $150. The minimum required for subsequent wholesale orders is $100.
Ways to Order
You can place your order ONLINE at The website includes retail only pricing (all lithographs prints are unframed). For Wholesalers, the retail prices listed on products in our retail brochure will be discounted by 50% at the time of ordering. At checkout time, you'll enter the appropriate wholesale promotion code and you'll receive a 50% discount on all of the items listed in the PBI retail brochure.
Mail your orders and payment to:
Positive Black Images
10079 Stedwick Road, Suite 2651
Gaithersburg, MD 20886
Share the Retail Catalog Brochure
Our digital retail brochure is available for downloading and easy online sharing at no charge.
Many wholesalers have had a great deal of success with our very nice hardcopy retail brochure. It is available for you to purchase. Each retail brochure comes with its own order form on the back, perfect for collecting and keeping track of individual orders! They are sold in packages. There are 50 retail brochures per package. The cost per package is $10.00. To order retail brochure packages, please hover over the Wholesale tab then click on Order Retail Brochure Packages to place your order.
Note: If you have questions about the differences between the Positive Black Images fundraiser and wholesale programs and which may be more optimal for you, please click on the FAQ link in the footer section under Customer Service.
Earn a 50% profit selling our unique line of fine art products!
Retail Brochure Details